Election results are from San Diego Registrar of Voters; precinct boundaries are from SanGIS, parsed with Shapefile library. I used the map of Congressional Districts as the background - that was the highest-resolution map of San Diego I could find. (I tried to stitch together a map from Google Maps screenshots, but that didn't work so well - I couldn't get the election overlay to match geographic features perfectly.)
All precincts with 20 or more recorded votes are shown.
It's striking how little opposition there is for Prop 8 outside North County coast and central neighborhoods (Hillcrest, South Park & such). Most neighborhoods south of 94 vote for Obama and Yes on 8. Same with Indian reservations (Pala, Barona, Santa Ysabel) and democratic pockets in Escondido and El Cajon.
1 comment:
nice work, much better than what UT published the other day. however the .png files posted here are a bit ragged when zooming in to particular villages, eg la jolla. could you post a higher rez version?
or provide more detail on how you made these maps. like what program did you use? i figured out how to download the precinct layers from SanGIS but now i dont know what app to open them with.
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